• Stop fishing industry sea lion deaths
    Pakake, the New Zealand sea lion is the world’s rarest sea lion and an endangered species. There are only 10,000 and live around the remote subantarctic Auckland Islands. Acting on advice from the Ministry for Primary Industries, and against Department of Conservation advice, the new Minister for Fishing Shane Jones has removed a ‘mortality limit’ for sea lion deaths. This is the maximum number of deaths caused by commercial fishing. The number was set to protect the population, as more deaths would threaten the survival of the species. This is outrageous - pakake are at risk of going extinct, and we should be finding as many ways as possible to protect them. The number of sea lion pups dropped by almost a third last year. They could be affected by heating ocean temperatures, and commercial fishing depleting their food sources. The southern squid trawl fishery operates around the Auckland Islands and overlaps with the sea lion foraging grounds. Fishing vessels kill sea lions by accident as ‘bycatch’. The mortality limit was set at 52 deaths and was a red line for the fishery - if it went over the limit the fishery would be closed. This protected, endangered species needs protection, but the Minister of Oceans & Fisheries has decided to listen only to the voices of the commercial fishing industry! Sign our petition to reinstate the death limit, and support the call for more protection! *** https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350240291/death-limit-endangered-new-zealand-sea-lions-scrapped https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/38189-Squid-6T-Operational-Plan-2019-2023
    1,523 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Emma Page
  • Petition: Support a strong Global Plastics Treaty!
    We all deserve a world free of plastic pollution. Plastic pollution created by the oil industry and big corporations like Coca-Cola is now found in the deepest oceans and on the highest mountains. It’s harming wildlife like turtles and seabirds, and affecting human health. At the United Nations Environmental Assembly 5.2 in March 2022, governments officially adopted a mandate opening negotiations for a global, legally-binding plastics treaty to address the whole lifecycle of plastics. The negotiations for the Global Plastics Treaty start in November 2022, with the goal of completing the process by the end of 2024. The future treaty has a huge potential to put the world on a path towards a plastic-free future but it will be up to us to make sure that it delivers on its promises. We demand an ambitious global plastics treaty that will limit plastic production and use. A strong plastics treaty that keeps oil and gas in the ground, holds big polluters accountable for their excessive plastic production and builds refill and reuse systems. A just plastics treaty will ensure transparency and a fair and equitable transition for affected workers, will protect the climate and deliver a clean, safe planet for us and for our children. We have a responsibility to look after it. Let's end the age of plastic! Add your name to the petition now.
    58,870 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Greenpeace Aotearoa Picture
  • Open letter in opposition to new oil exploration
    The oil industry is not welcome in Aotearoa. We will resist new oil and gas exploration.
    22,825 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Greenpeace Aotearoa Picture
  • Stop the Spence Road Quarry
    The Waitawheta is a beautiful river starting in bush, and close to Auckland and other main centres. It’s one of the cleanest rivers on the North Island which provides the water town supply for Paeroa. The proposed new quarry area has Significant Natural Area (SNA) status. As an SNA it is an area of significant indigenous vegetation and significant habitats of indigenous fauna. We are very concerned there will be serious risk to water quality and environmental damage if the quarry goes ahead. There are at least four rare and threatened species that live in the area including the Long tailed bat, Hochstetter’s frog, Te Aroha stag beetle, and Striped skink. The area is home to numerous native birds including Kaka and New Zealand Falcon, Karearea. The Waitawheta River has a macroinvertebrate community index (MCI) of 134. This means it is one of the cleanest rivers in New Zealand and a reason it also makes it a recognised fishery for Rainbow and German Brown trout. The new quarry is likely to affect water quality in the river from run off in extreme weather events, which are becoming more common. This would add sediment silt and debris coming from the quarry into the river. Blasting can also affect water flows. Blasting and crushing can cause emission of noxious gases, air pollution and ground vibration. These can cause health problems in local communities and damage to houses and structures in the surrounding communities. This project has far reaching effects on the local environment and the wider community. At the least everyone should be made aware of this project and be allowed to make submissions to both the Hauraki District Council and the Waikato Regional Council. With the current state of rivers in New Zealand maintaining the highest quality of water in this river should be a top priority. We are local residents in the Waitawheta valley area who are very concerned about the proposed new quarry. If you also care about protecting rivers and our natural ecosystems in Waikato please sign the petition! https://www.valleyprofile.co.nz/2023/11/21/neighbours-say-quarry-proposal-brings-fight-to-our-side/
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Steven Erickson
  • ECan Protect Hector's Dolphins through your Regional Plan
    Upokohue/ Hector's dolphins are one of the rarest marine dolphins in the world. Their greatest concentrations are found on the west and east coasts of the South Island and have the conservation status of ‘nationally vulnerable’. Hector's dolphins are threatened by many human activities. No dolphins should die as a result of fishing related practices. Yet fishing impacts have been devastating for the species. Dolphins continue to be killed in trawl nets. The rules around bycatch - and fishing near shore, are too weak. The fishing boat Austro Carina grounded recently off Banks Peninsula and is leaking oil, threatening wildlife (Oct 2023). It was legally fishing within endangered Hector's habitat, less than 2m from shore, which shows it's not just direct fishing risks that threaten Hector's habitat, but indirect fishing activities too. A small population of Hector’s lives in Lyttelton Harbour and is already threatened by industrial activities, noise and massive cruise ships. The competitive boat race SailGP also occurs in the dolphin habitat, and tourism also impacts on the dolphins. 🐬 Environment Canterbury can fix this, and it must. We call on ECan to protect Hector's from fishing related impacts through the Council's Regional Plan.
    4,652 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Christine Rose
  • Support community energy for a just transition
    We can’t keep powering our lives with polluting fuels from last century that keep damaging our climate, our neighbourhoods, and our health. The fossil fuel industry is greedily lining its pockets and five major power companies in New Zealand profit from burning coal. Meanwhile, our communities suffer from stronger floods, droughts, polluted air, blackouts and soaring energy bills (in the last 30 years households power prices rose by 79%). Vulnerable communities are at the forefront of these devastating impacts. Community energy is critical for a just and equitable transition to renewable electricity and tackling energy hardship. This is why we are asking our Government to make a commitment and release a strategy that will help Aotearoa achieve 750MW community energy generation and 400MW community storage by 2035. We need to draw a line in the sand and speak up against our broken energy system and put an end to energy injustice. We can push our politicians to invest in affordable clean energy and introduce policies that will strengthen energy sovereignty. Will you join our fight for climate justice and start advocating for solutions? We have the technology available to power our lives without killing our planet and harming our communities. Getting to 100% renewable energy electricity is 100% doable. We can have homegrown and locally-produced energy and stop being reliant on the fossil fuel industry. Renewable energy projects create more investment across the economy. More community-controlled renewable energy will give people greater access to and ownership over their local energy systems and strengthen community ties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ_eT9LY4VM
    427 of 500 Signatures
    Created by adam currie
  • Slow down fast fashion!
    There are too many clothes in the world! Fast fashion is pumping out huge amounts of cheap synthetic garments that end up in landfills. 🧵 We need to regulate the industry and slow down the giant Corporate overproduction of fast fashion. Fast fashion has created underpriced disposable clothing, and is enabling environmental destruction. Fast fashion is driven by capitalism and corporate profit, which is driving the world’s biggest problems such as the climate, biodiversity and humanitarian crises. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions 🧵 Fast fashion is second to Oil in its damage to our environment. Oil is currently involved in every part of the production and delivery process of fast fashion, including the creation of the materials (such as polyester and nylon). It walks hand in hand in domination and pollution. Ghana’s desert and other places around the world have become dumping grounds for the worlds throw-away clothes. Microplastics are pouring into our oceans everyday from simply washing our clothes that are made out of plastic. Fast fashion depends on modern slavery. 1 in every 130 women and girls around the world fall victim to modern slavery, and many work in sweatshops in Asia, creating garments for fast fashion brands. 🧵 It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time for big change. It’s time to honour our environment and our planet and people. We need to prioritise circular design and production systems. We need businesses that honour our environment and life on earth, the natural laws that we operate inside of. We need policies from Government that will control and regulate the industry and put the responsibility back on corporations. The Giants must be stopped. By regulating to slow down fast fashion we can use and appreciate what we have. We can support our local clothes designers and makers.  🧵 Join the rebellion! Sign the petition and demand an end to our part in the harms of fast fashion.  🪡 Links • NZ landfill boss sees alarming rise in clothing waste, 1 News • Steven Junil: 'If NZ stopped importing fabric and clothing, we’d be fine for another 50 to 100 years', RNZ • Recommendations to the New Zealand Government from the Clothing & Textile Industry, 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC5KYX74AP4  Ghana: fast fashion's dumping ground 
    3,009 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Lucy-Mae Goffe-Robertson
  • Stop Fukushima radioactive waste water dump into the Pacific
    Japan is preparing to dump about 1.3 million tonnes of contaminated water into the Pacific over the next three to four decades. It claims this would be made safe through an Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) and then dilution, but the water will still be radioactive. The dump of contaminated water is part of the effort to decommission the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, 12 years after it was overwhelmed by a tsunami. International laws are clear that States cannot undertake activities in their own waters that will have harmful effects in the high seas. There is no question that releasing radioactivity is contaminating the high seas. By not challenging the move, Pacific leaders, including New Zealand, could be undermining [1] the objectives of the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, otherwise known as the Rarotonga Treaty. Article Seven of the Rarotonga Treaty[2] places an obligation on states which are signatories to "prevent dumping" in light of the legacy of nuclear weapons testing in the region. Ocean currents experts are predicting the waste would sweep right across the Pacific. Nations in the Asia Pacific region, led by the Pacific Island Forum, have strongly voiced their opposition to the plans.[3] Some of the world’s leading oceanographic institutes and marine scientists have criticised the weakness of the scientific justification[4] applied by TEPCO, the owner of the nuclear plant, warned against using the Pacific Ocean as a dumping ground for radioactive contaminated water, and called for alternatives to discharge to be applied. Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) secretary general Henry Puna has said that the release poses major impacts and long-term worry for Pacific Island states who should not have to bear another nuclear testing activity. Greenpeace International says [5] “The Japanese government is desperate for international endorsement for its Pacific Ocean radioactive water dump plans. It has failed to protect its own citizens, including the vulnerable fishing communities of Fukushima, as well as nations across the wider Asia Pacific region. The aftermath of the nuclear disaster at Fukushima is still strongly felt, and the Japanese government has failed to fully investigate the effects of discharging multiple radionuclides on marine life. The government is obligated under international law to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment, including the impact of transboundary marine pollution, but has failed to do so. Its plans are a violation of the UN Convention Law of the Sea.” Greenpeace East Asia analysis[6] has detailed the failures of liquid waste processing technology at the Fukushima Daiichi plant and the environmental threats posed by the releases. REFERENCES: Rarotonga Treaty could be 'undermined' if Pacific leaders don't oppose Japan's nuclear dump | RNZ News: https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/492863/rarotonga-treaty-could-be-undermined-if-pacific-leaders-don-t-oppose-japan-s-nuclear-dump Treaty of Rarotonga | NATIONS UNIES: https://www.un.org/nwfz/fr/content/treaty-rarotonga#:~:text=The%20Rarotonga%20Treaty%20also%20includes,radioactive%20matter%20(Article%207) Japan must work with the Pacific to find a solution to the Fukushima water release issue – otherwise we face disaster: https://www.forumsec.org/2023/02/06/op-ed-japan-must-work-with-the-pacific-to-find-a-solution-to-the-fukushima-water-release-issue-otherwise-we-face-disaster/ 2022-12 Position Paper: Release of Radioactively Contaminated Water into the Ocean: https://www.naml.org/policy/documents/2022-12-12%20Position%20Paper,%20Release%20of%20Radioactively%20Contaminated%20Water%20into%20the%20Ocean.pdf Ignoring science, environmental protection and international law – G7 endorses Japan’s Fukushima water discharge plans: https://www.greenpeace.org/international/press-release/59193/science-environmental-protection-international-law-g7-japans-fukushima-water-discharge/ Stemming the Tide 2020: The reality of the Fukushima radioactive water crisis: https://www.greenpeace.org/static/planet4-japan-stateless/2020/10/5e303093-greenpeace_stemmingthetide2020_fukushima_radioactive_water_crisis_en_final.pdf
    827 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Nick Young Picture
  • A bid for the future - no more oil and gas drilling in Taranaki
    We are deeply disappointed that the government has once again opened over 20% of the Taranaki region for future oil and gas drilling through a Petroleum Block Offer process. The ‘Block Offer 2020’ is a tender for permission to explore for petroleum - this means the government is offering blocks of land in Taranaki to oil companies looking to drill for oil and gas. Block Offer 2020 is open now and closes at 5pm on 26 July 2023. We’re saying: NO WAY! We all know we need urgent radical change now to prevent climate chaos. It’s a practical and moral imperative to do all we can to defend our planet and our future. The climate emergency demands we transition away from fossil fuels towards clean sustainable energy sources. Yet greedy fossil fuel companies are taking the opportunity to look for more oil and gas in Taranaki. The Government must stop handing out oil and gas permits. Handing out permits for more fossil fuel exploration while the planet is heating at unprecedented rates can only be described as ecocide. Handing out permits to oil companies now is like handing out death certificates to our children. Fossil fuel companies have known of their impacts on climate and ocean chemistry for decades, and have acted to increase their biosphere-destroying activities, instead of transitioning to a degrowth economy. We are seeing and feeling the impacts of climate change with our very own eyes. The storms this summer that have brought so much devastation to Aotearoa need to be our wake-up call. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere keep rising due to increasing emissions from human activity - the use of fossil fuel being one of the main causes. Despite politicians saying that climate change is a priority successive governments have failed. It’s now up to us to rise up together for climate justice. Join our bid to take climate change seriously – for our tamariki and Papatūānuku. Join our bid to stop drilling for more oil and gas in Taranaki now! Find out more Climate Justice Taranaki: http://climatejusticetaranaki.info/ Block Offer 2020, New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals (NZPAM) https://www.nzpam.govt.nz/permits/petroleum/block-offer/block-offer-2020/
    3,153 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Climate Justice Taranaki
  • Bring back the Container Return Scheme!
    After years of pressure from the environmental movement, the Labour Government under Jacinda Ardern finally agreed to introduce a beverage Container Return Scheme to help eliminate single-use plastic waste. The scheme would have had enormous benefits for hapū, iwi and community groups, and the environment. It would have meant higher recycling rates, more reuse and refill opportunities, less plastic pollution and less waste to landfill. It would have created green jobs within our local communities. The plan has huge public support despite years of sustained and targeted lobbying from beverage and packaging producers. But on 13 March 2023, Prime Minister Hipkins inexplicably announced that he would defer the plan to an undetermined date. The PM has for no reason dumped a great plan to deal with plastic pollution. All the work on implementing a comprehensive Container Return Scheme has already been done, and with the flick of a switch, our Prime Minister could be back on the right track. Sign on now to call for the scheme to be restored! 🐬 Bottle refund scheme “breakthrough for plastic crisis” https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/press-release/bottle-refund-scheme-breakthrough-for-plastic-crisis/ 🐬 Scrapping Container Return Scheme a grave error https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/press-release/scrapping-container-return-scheme-a-grave-error/
    7,271 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Greenpeace Aotearoa Picture
  • Investigate rationing fossil fuel use with Tradable Energy Quotas
    To ensure a safe, stable climate, we need a dramatic reduction of fossil fuel use and reductions in carbon emissions. In the face of the climate emergency, our methods must also restore biodiversity and ensure the health of land, air, and water in Aotearoa. Yet 2022 apparently saw record emissions from the use of oil, gas, and coal (final figures yet to be published). 🔥 The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the cornerstone of New Zealand’s climate mitigation plan. Yet, for political reasons, price-based schemes such as the ETS and carbon taxes simply can’t reliably deliver the explicit reductions now required. Prices high enough to change behaviour could risk excluding many from essential energy needs. Prices too low will be a waste of time. Only by tackling inputs rather than emissions will we achieve the required outcome with certainty. In our view, the fairest and simplest way to turn this around is to ration the use of fossil fuels through a method called Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs). TEQs are a rationing system to ensure a reduction in fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. 🌏 TEQs would set a weekly energy ration granted equally to everyone driving age and over. Total quotas would be collectively capped to meet our climate goals and will decline each year, ensuring a reduction in emissions. TEQs would be deducted when purchasing petrol, diesel, coal and fossil fuel-generated electricity. It is equitable and involves everyone in the solution. People with money will still be able to pollute more by purchasing more quotas. But because TEQs will be decreasingly available over time, they will not be able to do this for long. Government and businesses will be able to buy quotas, the price being set at a weekly tender. The scheme will incentivise everyone to find creative solutions to lower emissions. The national TEQ price would be determined by national demand. Because of this, it will be in everyone’s interest to reduce our energy demand and to work together, encouraging our sense of common purpose. TEQs do not reduce emissions by increasing price - that is what ETS and Carbon Taxes do. TEQs control emissions directly by controlling the quantity of fossil fuels in the economy. It also makes measuring emissions easier - this can be easily calculated from the emissions equivalent of the annual TEQ amount. TEQs offer us a sensible and practical way forward to a thriving future. Do we have the courage and compassion to grasp it? ✍🏼 Sign and share our call to investigate the TEQ scheme! This petition is also hosted on the Parliamentary website. TEQs are a neat solution proposed by the late David Fleming, a British economist. Find out more at https://www.degrowth.nz/ TEQ References https://www.degrowth.nz/blog/teq TEQs at a glance https://www.flemingpolicycentre.org.uk/teqs/
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deirdre Kent
  • Diesel-free Auckland 2025
    🌏 We need to accelerate our transition away from dirty fossil fuel vehicles to avert climate collapse and clean up the air our tamariki breathe. Low emission zones are now common in many European cities as a way to ensure cleaner air for people living in cities. The low emission zones tax fossil fuel vehicles and are automatically enforced by cameras that can read number plates. We often think of New Zealand as being clean and green. Yet car pollution causes the death of thousands of people in New Zealand every year! Children, pregnant women, people with lung disease and other vulnerable groups are especially affected by air pollution from cars and trucks. Recent research in New Zealand has shown pollution from fossil fuel cars is more dangerous than all other forms of air pollution. Older diesel vehicles especially cause more air pollution than petrol vehicles. 🌏  The Auckland car pool is extremely diesel reliant (23% of the New Zealand vehicle fleet), so we really need to de-incentivise the purchase and use of diesel vehicles in urban areas where people live and work. While there have been some steps to reduce harmful emissions, the number of diesel vehicles on the roads continues to rise. 🌏  If the low emission zone was phased in it could target older diesel models first, to get the worst polluting vehicles off the road first. If done right the policy will have the effect of moving more people into public transport, electric vehicles, and active transport. There can be complementary policies to encourage non-polluting vehicle use. 💚  Discouraging diesel vehicles from Auckland will help keep children healthy, prevent diseases such as asthma, and as a result improve their learning, school performance and quality of life. Given what us older generations have done to the planet and the future of our tamariki, we owe them this! 💚 🚙  Many people presently depend on diesel powered vehicles for access and mobility. As part of a just transition we support and encourage measures such as universal design, to ensure disabled, and people of all communities are not left behind. 🚗 ⇨ Air pollution from cars killing thousands of NZers yearly, RNZ ⇨ Reducing harmful vehicle emissions from road transport, Ministry of Transport ⇨ London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids, Grist ⇨ Low emissions zones, Denmark
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frederik Federspiel