We the undersigned ask you, the Māori Party to stand strong on your pledge to protect GM free regions from Nick Smith’s attempts to quash them using new powers under the RMA. Specifically we ask you not to give the Government the votes it needs to pass s360D and s43A(3A) of the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill.
Why is this important?
The current Minister has made quite clear that he will use those new powers to quash regional GM free food-producing zones, even though they are backed by communities, using legitimate planning processes.
Auckland, Far North, Whangarei and Hastings councils' have all exercised their current rights under the RMA to create GM free food-producing zones. The zones are community-driven by tangata whenua and pākehā working together to secure these protections for our whenua, our kai and our people.
As you know, they cover what is grown on the land and farmed. They are not about medicines or cancer vaccines, which will continue to be regulated exclusively by national health authorities.
Other regional initiatives that protect communities and local environments would also be under the gun – particularly protections around fracking and other mining activities.
Do not lend your names or that of the Māori Party to this bid to undermine the rights of our communities. These powers should not be the law of our lands. You can protect our ability to shape the futures we want for our people and land.
Stand by us; defend local democracy. Do not support 360D or 43A(3A), in any form.