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To: ChristchurchNZ

Scuttle SailGP Lyttelton for Hector's Dolphins

August 2024:
All our efforts for the dolphins in the face of SailGP have helped persuade the race organisers to pull their future sailing event from Lyttelton harbour. The SailGP chief executive Russell Coutts has expressed doubt the event will ever return to Canterbury, and he said dolphin advocates had a strong influence on their decision to go elsewhere in the future.

While we will stay vigilant in case SailGP returns, we say thank you to everyone who signed our petition and spoke up for the dolphins!

However, even greater threats remain - the fishing industry continues to kill dolphins as bycatch. Sign our petition calling on Environment Canterbury to protect Hector's from the fishing industry, through its regional coastal plan today:

We call on you to cancel the Lyttelton leg of SailGP to protect Hector's dolphins.

Why is this important?

Upokohue/ Hector's dolphins are one of the rarest marine dolphins in the world. They are found mostly on the east coast of the South Island and have a conservation status of ‘nationally vulnerable’.

Hector's dolphins are under many threats. A small population lives in Lyttelton Harbour and is already threatened by industrial activities, noise and massive cruise ships.

SailGP is a high speed race where boats foil. It is like a Grand Prix racing car competition on water. The race course overlaps the area Hector's occupies. Hector's dolphins are at serious risk of boat strike injury or death.

Lyttelton is a Hector's dolphin Marine Mammal Sanctuary and no place for a high speed race.

We acknowledge the role of the Te Roopū Tiaki Whakaraupō Advisory Group in advocating for dolphin protection, and Ngāti Wheke's kaitiakitanga role. We believe the best protection for Hector's dolphins is to not hold the race in Lyttelton at all.

Facts about Hector’s and Māui dolphin, Department of Conservation
SailGP pulls controversial dolphin deterrent, Newsroom
Comment: SailGP set to blast into Lyttelton, Northern Advocate




2024-08-12 10:51:09 +1200

Petition is successful with 1,290 signatures

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2023-03-06 10:48:17 +1300

10 signatures reached